Big Sister

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Mom and Dad
Big Sister
Little Sister

Click here to see pictures of my birthday.

Click here to see pictures of my 2006 ballet recital.

Click here to see pictures of my Horseback riding lessons

A frog she discovered in Maine

Our little princess

Playing on the dock

She loves gymnastics class

We can't believe big sis is already six, and is getting ready to start first grade.  She continues to be a sweet little girl who is always willing to help around the house (okay, almost always).  Any time she wakes up before us, she makes sure to set out breakfast and get everything ready, sometimes she even brings us breakfast in bed.  She is very compassionate to others and is always gentle with her new puppy Lily.  Some of her favorite things include dance class, gymnastics, swimming, going to primary, painting, and playing with her doll Elizabeth.  Her very favorite activity however is horseback riding.  She loves horses, and is learning how to care for them and ride them. We love watching her with her horses, her natural affection for them is obvious and she seems genuinely happy when they are around.

            Her reading skills have really developed over the past year, and she now has learned that she can read in her bed at night instead of sleeping.  Her favorite books are those about the solar system or nature, particularly the magazine she has about Prairie Dogs.  She also loves the American girl books and looks forward to reading them each night.